
Anne Schwab

Professional Makeup Artist  & Stylist

Located in an 1894 brick Victorian on Capitol Hill, Anne Makeup & Styling offers makeup and styling solutions. Since 1995, talented, friendly on-site artists are ready for the final touches for your successful film, print ad, event or wedding.

Why You need a Makeup Artist

The shoot is planned and art directed beautifully. The photographer has a bag of tricks to turn your shoot into a moving, compelling product. Now for the finishing touches.Enter: the makeup artist and stylist. But how many times I’ve heard the client say, “Not much makeup, I want a natural look.” But what is the natural look include? Often greasy, blotchy with dark circles and five o’clock shadow. Sort of depressed and unhealthy. But why?

Film And Video

The lights for film and video are strong, often penetrating the thin, outer layer of skin through to the dermis. The dermal layer contains arteries (reddish) and veins (bluish) and when the light reflects through this layer, the skin appears blotchy and discolored often with deep under eye circles.


The lighting reflects highlights on the surface of the skin. So, if an actor’s skin is shiny, the lights bounce back a beam to the camera bright enough to be seen by the International Space Station. Not cool.

Makeup for film and video is heavier. Not transparent like over-the-counter makeup products. The opaque foundations and powders prevent the light from traveling through the top layer of skin.

Living the Fantasy

Create special effects. Foundation, blush and eye colors can create special effects. The artist is not limited to the actor’s own coloration and is at liberty to choose a palette that works better with the character and the overall look of the production.

Moral to the story: never, ever shoot footage of a human face without makeup unless you are attempting to recreate scenes from the Great Depression!

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906 D Street NE

Washington, DC

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